I have a very measly old Dell that I would like to devote to being a jukebox. It has a 4gb hd.
For my music storage, I bought an external 160gb HD. Played music through the Dell with it yesterday via winamp to my home stereo and it worked
Here is my question (and please forgive me if it is a dumb one, as I'm not as tech savvy as I'd like to be):
Can I have the music storage (about 600 albums) on the external hard drive and the e-jukebox files on the Dell? Would this work? Anyone know any
problems that would occur? Any help much appreciated - I love the program but am not sure if I can make it work for the dinosaur computer.
RE: Can I have the music storage (about 600 albums) on the external hard drive and the e-jukebox files on the Dell? Would this work?
Yes that should work just fine.