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My first re-build
aaronND2000 - 12-12-2003 at 03:01 AM

I just completed my first database re-build and I must say I'm not very happy. Many of my popularity stats were lost as well as about 20% of my album covers. What's the deal?

Audiosoft - 12-12-2003 at 03:17 AM

eJukebox can only restore popularity counts and album image data for .MP3 files. No data can be restored from non-MP3 music files if you Re-Build.

With .MP3 files eJukebox will restore all data including album images and popularity pick counts. The only thing that it will not restore is the last played time for each song.... So it may be necessary to Disable the "Only show an entry if a song or artist has been played in the last X" option on the bottom of the home top10 view page to get it to display songs.

aaronND2000 - 12-12-2003 at 01:49 PM

All my files are MP3's and I still lost many album covers and popularity stats. I also do not have the "only show entry..." option enabled. So prett much I am lost as to why all this data has been lost in the re-build.

Audiosoft - 12-12-2003 at 06:52 PM

Hmmm...are any of your mp3s located on network drives?

aaronND2000 - 12-12-2003 at 08:20 PM

All of my mp3's are located on a server computer and run off a wireless network.

Fishy - 12-13-2003 at 04:26 AM

"eJukebox can only restore popularity counts and album image data for .MP3 files. No data can be restored from non-MP3 music files if you Re-Build"

I am sort of tired of asking this question... But are there any plans of doing something about this 'mp3's only policy'For tags, popularity... etc...?

The reason why I am asking about this again and again is that ej is gonna suffer if that policy is kept in the long run... Would like to recommend ej to a lot of my friends, but I just can't, while ej is so format restrictive as it is at the moment... Or what Audiosoft?