Question.. like me, I have windows 2000 and IIS 5.0 & perl installed.
Can I set up the web interface with this system.. if so how? The installation guied only mention stuff like http://yoursite/cgi-bin/ and CGI-BIN directory.
I don't have any directory with that name.
Is there some installation Guide for pure windows system only?
If you want a web interface to control eJukebox use eJukebox2Web v2.0...which is located under the WEB options tab at the top. No installation is
neccessary for v2.0 - all you need to do is enable it by checking the enable option and then click the Launch button.
eJukebox2Web v1.0 uses a perl script to allow the placing of the album image of the currently playing song on a website, you need to setup a folder in
which you can execute perl scripts, copy the files there, then reference the location of the ejukebox.cgi file under the settings in eJukebox.
Better descriptions of the differences between eJukebox2Web v2.0 and v1.0 can be found under the eJukebox2Web topics on the Forum Homepage.