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Big button marked with X. I.. must.. click.
junk - 10-15-2003 at 12:39 PM

Taking the risk of sounding stupid;
What is the point of the BIG close button for the albumlist? I haven't found a use for it yet. It closes the album list and i am left with a big, black nothingness.

And it's so big, it feels tempting to click on all the time. If you made it red and pulsating, it could not be more tempting... you just.. have.. to ... click it! :P

Audiosoft - 10-15-2003 at 02:57 PM

The only reason the X is so big is so that people are more likely to click it when they are done using the album list. Clicking the X will unload the album list from memory and greatly reduce the amount of RAM eJukebox uses. Also under the next version it will initially leave a more appealing blue nothingness instead of a black one. We may reduce the size of the button.

junk - 10-15-2003 at 03:50 PM

Aha... :) Now i am a great deal wiser. But it is a good function, and i like it. Allthough i'd might prefer to have it located somewhere less accessible and easy to click by mistake (not so near the scrollbar, in other words).