Thanks for the v3.4 release Audiosoft! I've tried the [ ]> button to horizontally expand the window, and the album list (I use the"Large" checkbox) automatically expands to 4 wide, but when using <[ ], it remains 4 wide, even when I refresh the album list.
Everything is quite cramped at that point.
Is there preferred setting when using <[ ]?
Ok, closing eJukebox and restarting fixed it when using the the "Refresh list" Album option.
But on another (yet related) note, when in "expanded view", if you use the "Expand/Hide eJukebox Panels" button, it doesn't
automatically return to expanded mode.
Also, when you change from normal to expanded and vice versa, you have to manually refresh to get the albums to display correctly. Can this be
Thanks again,
Unfortunatly, the only way we can make the album list resize correctly when switching between EDV and normal width is by making it automatically
Refresh the album list. Which takes a bit of time to load. I am not sure if we should do this or not...what do you think?
In v3.4, you must manually click the Refresh List button on the album list options panel to get it to resize. We just tested this and it seems to work this what you did when it didn't resize or did you just click the albums button?
Also, we do plan on making it remember both the horizontal and verticle sizing, for the next version, so you can expand/hide the panels and regain
your last sizing.
A preference on a forced refresh can really vary depending on album list and machine specs. For me, it takes 6 seconds to complete the refresh
process. That's with 387 albums (album = 4 or more songs). I have a P4 2.4 with 1GB RAM, so it's relatively painless. For those with much
larger collections and slower machines, the time it takes could be considerable.
With that said, I think it's important to note that it would be unusual for someone to switch back and forth frequently enough to make automation
a burden.
In a senctence, I'm all for it.