Here are screenshots of a new feature we have been working on: Songlist Extended Data View. I thought i would let you guys get a sneek peek.
Songlist EDV will resize eJukebox to a width of 1024 pixels and the songlist will display the rating, genre, year, and LARGE album cover image for
each song. These screenshots also shows the songlist skin we are considering using for the default skin for new users in extended and normal data
Also, Functionally new to the songlist in this screenshot; are the new yellow album seperators, which are always displayed before and after each album
containing 2 or more songs - in order to make the songlist easier to read.
Please feel free to post your comments on the new Songlist Extended Data View and the new default skin.
Hooray for EDV!
Is there any plans to allow star ratings in this mode? I feel glued to my PC when I can only rate the songs as they play.
Also, are more areas of the program going to acknowledge the new width? The album view and home page seem like likely candidates.
This seems great! Really like these improvements. The yellow lines are
great, and seem very helpful. I like the other graphical touches as well; the gradients, and the new scrollbar. And the 1024 resizing... what can i
say, it is probably one of the most sought after improvements of eJukebox, if it also applies to the rest of the modes in eJukebox.
I am especially wondering how this can affect album view mode. Would be great to have both four albums in one row, and an artist list that
doesn't block the first column of albums. There's space for both, as far as i can see...
this is great stuff indeed!
Then here, I am rooted to the spot!
It's very nice... as usual!
Like junk says, that bodes well for the albumlist too!
Now that I'm got over your screenshots , I can tell you that I like a
lot the new informations displayed.
Everything is there in the large view: Genres, years, ratings and I think the blue lines represent the popularity count of unrated songs. That's
very good, and above all that will be very useful! I haved dreamed of that... and you have made it!
I see you have even made possible to put an album separator also in the songs column: nice work!
I also adore the blue shading, great skin!
Now it got off on the right foot, I encourage you to also improve the albumlist.
I am impatient for enjoy all that!
This looks great. I hope you keep the needs of us HTPC users in mind
- support of 800x600
- ability to use (very) large fonts
- keyboard support (for remotes that map to keypresses and for Girder)
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In the words of Monty Burns...
Also: as much as I sympathize with the people without 1024x768 or better video support, I'd hate it if you had to compromise to down-size it for
800x600. It seems that you can't make a truly auto-resizable interface with your current toolset, but assuming two base-lines of 640x480 and
1024x768 seems like a good compromise. I imagine to make something fit 800x600 and yet have the additional columns, you'd really have to jigger
a lot of interface pieces...
Thirdly: I second Bosh's idea. As long as it doesn't slow things to a crawl... by all means let us rate in this mode. Then again, as a
long term strategy, the Genre could also eventually be a pull down scroll-box on this screen, and the song-name and year boxes double-clickable to
turn them into little edit boxes. Of course, don't delay ANYTHING to add these tweaks. I'd take it just as it looks in your cap right now!
Just consider putting the idea of enhancing it in this way into your
long-term "do it someday if possible" list.
If you CAN'T make the stars "usable" in this mode, you might consider displaying the numerical score instead. Why? Well, in general
the numbers ARE ultimately more useful in my opinion--the reason they WEREN'T on the "Now Playing" panel would seem to be that the
Stars were easier to use for "marking" a score. So if marking a score isn't a concern... Although to be fair, aesthetically, the stars
DO look nicer, and maybe on a songlist may make it easier to visually compare songs (okay, after thinking of that last argument I'm going to
have to ask for opinions from others--in a view like this which is more useful, Stars or the Numerical score? I see advantages both ways now...)
Of course I hope you have also planned to add sorting abilities doing a click on each column title:
- Artist > Songtitle (already done),
- Artist > Rating/Popularity: switch, at each click on the column title, between:
/ratings (popularity lines hidden) --> Useful to bring out the "Star songs" of each ARTIST.
/popularity (stars hidden) --> Useful to see the "Pop songs" of each ARTIST.
/show both.
- Artist > Album > Rating/Popularity: switch, at each click on the column title, between:
/ratings (popularity lines hidden) --> Useful to bring out the "Star songs" of each ALBUM.
/popularity (stars hidden) --> Useful to see the "Pop songs" of each ALBUM.
/show both (like on your screenshot!).
- Artist > Album Year > Track# (already done).
And you could also modify the popular button to add filters to sort the whole songlist by popularity, ratings and also some exclusive filters: 5, 4.5,
4, 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2, 1.5, 1, 0 star or unrated. But all that NOT limited to 200 songs like until now.
That's all for this time!
Thanks a lot.
Audiosoft, please don't abandon your HTPC users who, for the most part are probably running 800x600 or want to run at 640x480. 1024x768 is just
getting too small to be legible on a 27" TV.
As for rating the songs in the EDV, maybe the stars could be shown as is, but a specific number (0-100) could be chosen by clicking an area in the
stars & while holding the left-mouse button down, you could slide your mouse left or right to choose the specific number rating. Letting go of
the button would set the rating. Instead of showing the numerical rating, maybe the number could appear in the tag when the cursor moved over the
stars. The tag could be shown while the rating is being set in the manner I described. It probably would take a bit of coding to accomplish it, but
it seems like it would be a great compromise without cluttering up the screen.
Could you make possible to also attribute 2 different colors alternately for each album (I mean for the entire lines: Play Now + Titles + Star + Genre
+ Year + Album) in the songlist, exactly like in this forum?
I think that would be very nice and even better than the separation line in order distinguish different albums. Both, possibly together, would be
Another PLEA from an 800x600 TFT Touchscreen user not to leave us out in the dry.
Actually, I think the new EXTENDED screen is almost a bit overloaded with information.
Personally, I don't need to see the GENRE nor the YEAR of each track. Therefore I would really beg you to only add the STAR/POPULARITY rating to
the normal 800x600 screen. I don't mind if this leaves a little less space for the track name, and it wraps around a bit sooner. Most tracks
should still fit in one line, and if 2 lines are needed: no problem.
Here is a sample of what could be the solution for us 800 x 600 users. The width on this PAINT job is 610, just a few more extra pixels would need to
be shaved off, but it more or less looks good.
What do other 800x600er think? Please please Audiosoft, your application is the only and best for HTPC and Touchscreen users, don't go down the
"PC-only" route, there are so many programs that covers this market already.
PS: The yellow album separators are GREAT!
Ahh, I was impatient to know your opinion Demnos, really(!)
And I am not surprised by your "reasonable" choice. I agree with you! I thought a bit the same thing but I said nothing concerning the look
of genres and years because even though I am interested by a FULL 1024x768 display. The Audiosoft full 1024x768 view is more suitable with actual and
future computer screens. Although if everything could be resizable...
But your idea is a quite interesting compromise. You are right, the repetition of genres and years is not so nice, not essential and so much seen in
others "banal" mp3 managers...
Unless Audiosoft prefer to put the stars "optional" for the 800x600 view.
So, why not to have both: The large Audiosoft view in FULL 1024x768 and yours usable in 800x600?
But if I haved to choose between the large view in 1024x768 and an improved Albumlist -using some filters- in 800x600, I would vote for the improved Albumlist!
But I don't know if we will have this choice, since Audiosoft never says anything about our requests for the Albumlist!
Under v3.4 the album list, when in extended data view, will show either 4 Large albums or 6 small albums across (depending on your album list options
- 1 album will be added to your settings in regular view - 2 in EDV). The home view will remain the same size (it looks OK centered) until we get a
chance to totally recreate its look/functionality.
For a future version, we want to recreate the album list so that it always stays onscreen. Probablly by having it below the songlist.
Also, the ability to sort the songlist by the rating, genre, year will have to wait until a future version. We tried some preliminary work on this and
the problem is that songs end up loosing their album grouping. Then the album shows up more than if we do add this ability is will have to
function like the Title sort where the album images are not displayed in the song list.
As far as the ability to rate the songs from the songlist..this is possible but quite complicated - if there is time we may get this in. We just want
to make sure to get v3.4 out by the end of this week so people can start using the new lists.
I don't think we are going to get the option to have the ratings visible in the non-extended songlist until after v3.4. Those 10 pixels are a bit it will take a little longer. How do you feel about eJukebox using the Artist column to show the rating instead of track numbers?
Because of the new songlist, we had to remove v3.3's old Large Skin as well as your HTPC Skin so we just have Normal, Large and Xtra Large of the
default skin. We will gladly add your skin back if you add formating for the album seperators, rating, genre, year fields in the .dis file.
Well, I see you have thought..a lot, taking care of our feelings. Many interesting things are planned, even for the Albumlist . I would be curious to see that!
Concerning my HTPC skin, that will be with pleasure that I will update it when possible.
Have you added -in the .dis file- the ability for alternate 2 different colors at each album?
Many thanks for your talk!
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Ah! I am really looking forward to the end of the week. And in general; the future seems bright!
Keep up the great work, Audiosoft, it's always great to hear about your progress and future plans! Your vision about the albums list staying
visible within song list mode sounds really great. And i really look forward to enjoying the expanded album and song list mode.
Any plans for making eJukebox resizable to 3072x768 for us three monitor-users? Hmm.. perhaps i am stretching the term "us" a bit too far
OK Audiosoft,
If you think alternating colors makes the songlist too confusing... that must be true! I understand that you don't want it be possible to
massacre the layout.
So I will be happy with only the album separators.
However, I suppose the "yellow" color concern just your default skins. Any color will be possible for others skins?
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3072x768 Wow! Maybe one day
Yes, you can change the yellow album seperators to a different color/size by changing the following lines in the .dis files:
height: 1px;
background-color: #FFDA00;
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Happy to report that, in EDV under v3.4, when you click a rating for a song in the songlist it will then show 5 clickable stars to allow you to change
the star rating right from the list.
Also, when you mouse over the stars or pickcount bar in the songlist it will show a tooltip that says "Picked X times".
In addition, you will now be able to Un-rate a song from the "Now Playing" and Editor panels by clicking left of the 1st star once to give
it a 0 star rating and one more time to unrate it. Unrated songs will show 5 stars that look faded.
Well, so I am already very happy!
Roll on the v3.4!
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