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Top 10 Songs List
bosh - 3-15-2003 at 02:35 PM

I've noticed something curious happening with the top10 song listing.

Road to Nowhere by the Talking Heads was listed as song #8. After playing several other songs by the Talking Heads, Road to Nowhere had jumped up to #5. Several more Talking Heads songs later it was up to #7.

At no time did I actually play Road to Nowhere. Which leads me to wonder why it jumped around in positioning? None of the songs played were also in the top ten list.

Audiosoft - 3-15-2003 at 09:18 PM

This is most likely do to your Top song #5 through Top Song #9 having the exact same popularity. Thus you are getting random ordering of those songs since they have all been picked the exact same amount of times.

Could this be the case with your songs?

We plan on changing it so it orders it by Times Picked then by Alphabetical so the results will not change like that.

bosh - 3-15-2003 at 09:23 PM

Yep! That explains what is going on. Nice to know it wasn't completely random.