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eJukebox SDK?
stsirois - 7-21-2003 at 09:13 PM

Just wondering if there will ever be such a thing as an eJukebox Software Development Kit (SDK). I know eJ is not & probably not going to be an open source program, but an SDK would be a great way for some users with some coding ability to tailor eJ to their own personal tastes. For example, I would like much bigger fonts in certain sections of eJ, but I know Audiosoft receives lots of other feature requests, so my request may fall by the wayside. Just curious if there's been any talk at Audiosoft of creating an SDK for us feature-starved users of eJ.


Pirk - 7-21-2003 at 09:34 PM

Humm... attractive idea.
Do you think that needs much work to add the SDK ability to eJukebox?
I say that because I'm afraid if it's too complicate to do, they will probably never do that.


stsirois - 7-21-2003 at 10:18 PM

It would probably take a lot of up front work to create an SDK, but in the long run, it would be much better for both Audiosoft & the user as it would allow development to happen more quickly. It would be a great community-building feature as well. Take a look at Winamp & myHTPC.


Pirk - 7-21-2003 at 10:32 PM

Thanks for the link to myHTPC.
I didn't yet know that! I'll try it with Winamp.
Furthermore I've discovered there is even a french site dedicated: myHTPC-FRANCE

Pirk - 7-22-2003 at 02:42 PM

Hey, not bad this myHTPC... Furthermore eJukebox doesn't give the weather ;)

Seriously, myHTPC has been able to display all my Mp3 CDs with all their cover images (good squares!) and play them immediately on my TV screen. It is perfectly legible contrary to eJukebox. I think Audiosoft could be inspired by myHTPC concerning the display on a video screen (large buttons, fonts and image covers...).
As for the personalisation capabilities I think myHTPC is also a kind of model.
Fortunately eJukebox still have much others advantages. It is superior on a computer screen. But even though be careful guys!
