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Always on Top - not with winamp
Fernando_ecamp - 4-5-2008 at 12:40 PM

I have this issue: Every time a video starts, winamp pops up. even in kiosk mode.

Any idea of what setting I have to touch???

I already try options>display>always on top

my settings:
Intel - XP
ej 5.12
winamp 5.531
always on top - tried check and unchecked
Kiosk mode.

Audiosoft - 4-5-2008 at 09:26 PM

Hmm..Have you tried detaching the video window from winamp and minimizing winamp?
Also, under the Sound tab in eJukebox do you have the "Use Internal Player for Video" option checked?

Fernando_ecamp - 4-5-2008 at 11:38 PM

yes when I use internal player the problem goes away.