I can't make Windows Media Player stay full screen video on a second monitor. It changes to the real size of any video I play. Any Ideas?
Dyno Don, have you tried to listen to the Radio in eJ? Because I get a white screen after that...
Wow Don, I never realized You could mirror the video like that on an output device. I also have an Nvidia card, but playback with WMP actually works
correctly and my videos are staying fullscreen on my secondary monitor. My card is a Geforce 7900GT and using Forceware version 93.71. In my video
card options the option is refered to as "Full Screen Video". I don't know if it would make any difference at all, but the files I am playing are
.wmv videos. I hope that helps you out, but it does work correctlt on my system so it is possible.
Also forgot to mention that my settings for zoom control on the nvidia settings has video mirror selected.
Dyno Don,
Not sure why the videos are not working for you on the second monitor. Does it stretch the WMP video correctly when you resize the window in eJukebox?
Can you resize it over the entire 2nd monitor? If you can use it like that I could add an option to not make it snap back to the now playing cover
when the next video is played that way it would always use your last window size and position.
Then again maybe you should just use winamp since it works for your 2nd monitor. May I suggest that you turn off multiple winamp instances...only have
one winamp installation...then just run your audio or video eJukebox...making sure that the "Do not close Winamp on Exit" option under the Other tab
is unchecked. That should get rid of any possibility of crosstalk between the eJukeboxes.
The real issue was that my TV is a HD monitor and I was driving it with a component cable at 1080i. The TV held the video cropped to a "pillarboxed"
image. The TV would not let the video stretch. By dumbing down the signal from the video card to standard 480i I could then configure the TV to do the
stretch on it's own. Works like a charm. The videos play in both the now playing window and full screen in the tv next to it. We didn't give it a
LONG test as the Warriors game was on last night. But it looks fine. The only small issue is that between song changes wmp closes the window on the tv
and you can see the wallpaper for a second. Making the wallpaper BLACK fixes that, but it is an unpleasant wallpaper for day to day use.
Great Don, glad you were able to figure it out!
Audiosoft what about the option to play videos in WMP and audio in Winamp. I would really appreciate it if you could do something like that for the
next version. Thanks!
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Great Audiosoft!
Thanks for getting that in so fast