Can anybody tell me how to delete 'Genres' that I have added in error ?
Well.. you can reedit the wrong genres using the eJukebox song editor!
Thanks Pirk - but not entirely sure where to find this - all I can manage to do is pull down the drop down list in the tag editor - can you help ....... new to this and having dificulty finding my way around.... The manual helps a little but only skims the surface
Chix you may be better off using a tag editor such as tag&rename as you can change the genre of multiple songs at once with one click. For mass
editing, this is the best route to take. However make sure you aquire a version of tag&rename like 3.1.7 as there are issues with version 3.3 and
eJukebox, but hopefully Audiosoft will resolve this soon.
If you do wish to use eJukebox's editor, right click on a song from the songlist (refer to manual if you don't know what the songlist is) and choose
Edit Song from the drop-down menu. A window to edit the song will pop up. In the box to the right of the word genre, delete the text
and type for instance "Rock" if that is the genre you want the song to have. If the artist of the song you are editing has multiple songs in the
eJukebox database (you have imported them in) a box that says Set 4 All will appear below the word Genre. If you click this button it
will change every song by the artist to the genre that appears in the text box. For instance, if I have 10 songs by Alan Jackson imported into eJukbox
and they all are tagged with the genre rock and I want them to be tagged a country instead:
-Open one of the songs in the editor.
-Erase the incorrect genre from the text box to the right of the word genre.
-Type the correct genre in the text box.
-Click the Set 4 All button.
-Close the editor using the grey X in the corner.
Now Every song I have imported that is by Alan Jackson is classified as the genre Country. I hope that helps!
Thank you rllercstr7 for your detailed explanations.. You are more comfortable than me in Shakespeare language!