Hello I'm new to audiosoft and I need some advice, I have transferred my collection from WM Player onto the jukebox, however most of the songs are I
D 'd by their track number,
I was slowly going through the tracks and looking up the album art as I did this, but this is was very slow (500 tracks to go through!) so I then
started ripping my cd`s instead (still quite slow but at least it was getting all the tracks off each album together) then I started deleting the 01,
02 etc tracks off the the lists to avoid confusion with the completely ripped album but this started losing the tracks from the album as well? would
it be best to completely clear the database (if so how do i do this) and start uploading my cd'c one at a time or is their another way to "marry
up" unidentified artists ie the 01, 02 etc tracks to their album?
See I told you I was new to this! LOL. Can anyone help?
Hello. I think that before to start to rip your cds, you should delete the previous eJukebox database: "Crogram FileseJukeboxejuke.asn", and delete the file: "C
rogram FileseJukeboxdb.m3u".
That will force eJukebox to start with a new database. Then you can rip all your cds in mp3s.