How can I make the 'now playing' window narrower so that the right hand size is wider?
When I try dragging to resize the left panel all it does is move the right panel over...but I was hoping to give the right more room
If you are using 1024x768 or higher screen resolution there is a button to the right of the search box (near top right of eJukebox) that you can click to make the right side wider.
I am running 1024 x 768 resolution. I am having the same problem. I ran a fullscreen visualization, and when I can back, it had re-sized the album list. Now I can't seem to make it bigger. Resizing only effects the left side. The button you refered to by the search has no effect.
I am having the same problem right now. I am running at 1024 x 768 and I cannot get the now playing album art any bigger than what the Album library
art is.
It all started right after I upgraded e-jukebox the other day. For some reason the auto update was not working and I could not check for updates in
the toolbox, it would not let me. So I went to and upgraded it from there....then the now playing box locked to one size "small".
If you are running 1024x768 you must click the button that has this on it:
towards the top right side of eJukebox (to the right of the search box) then stretch the middle line to the right to make the left side wider. Only
then will you be able to Drag the bar that says Up Next on it down to make the now playing cover larger.
If you have a decent sized monitor you may want to change your screen resolution to 1152x864 as that offers the best eJukebox layout with a large now
playing cover.
I've also experienced the "small" now playing after my last upgrade. But contrary to you, I was able to resize the image again after that..