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Extract embedded images
ochristmas - 3-21-2006 at 09:25 AM

Hi there guys - I haven't been on in quite a while as I have gone to the darkside of Winamp media library :( Anyway I did spend about a year of my life added cover art to all my albums. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be able to export these images (so I can convert to cover.jpg). Does anyone have a cunning way of doing this? Also it would be amazing if I could export my ratings and play numbers.

Reversely I am sure many new eJukebox people would love to be able to import Winamp playlist and ratings into eJukebox.

Anyone any ideas? Many thanks in advance and hope you are all well!

Pirk - 3-21-2006 at 09:38 AM

Hi ochristmas,

Are your cover arts embedded in mp3s? If yes, Tag&Rename can extract cover arts from tags to cover.jpg. But I think it's manual...
But.. why do you want to do that? eJukebox should be able to display your embedded covers. Is there still a problem with that?

ochristmas - 3-21-2006 at 09:43 AM

hi. thanks for the quick reply. The reason I need the images is that I have stopped using ejukebox - in the end I found it just too big and slow to be used on anything other than a dedicated, party machine - sadly with my first baby boy now with us my days of parties are over. So I just use winamp and the library - which has a built in cover viewer (but it uses cover.jpg).

Thanks again - any idea how I can extract the popularity figures? I would imagine they are locked in the db?

Pirk - 3-21-2006 at 10:08 AM

Ah OK.. congratulations for the baby boy! ;)

Before eJ I also used Winamp and a cover viewer... Indeed it's much easy, but not so good-looking.
Yes, the ratings and popularities are locked in the db. It's possible to look into the eJ db using MS Access, but it's manual too...
The ratings and popularities are also in the mp3 tags, but it's a "eJ" field. So unless Audiosoft add a export function...

But don't abandon eJukebox: the baby boy will grow soon.. and he will need you use eJukebox for HIS party birthdays! :)