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New version
Fishy - 2-6-2006 at 10:13 PM

The new version is great. Autolookup works fine and the autolist builder is very handy. Personally I am a little disturbed by the fact that the autolookup still changes name of the albumnames if there is a mismatch between the albumname online and the one in the tag. Maybe there are some postive effects from this I am unaware off. For instance if a user don't has his/hers tags in order.

However it is a pain when you have your tags allright and just want to find a large image online. Prevents me from wanting to have autoloopup on as default. Is it possible to satisy both camps at the same time? Both those who just want a cover and those who wants cover and their albumnames changed :D

Pirk - 2-6-2006 at 10:48 PM

I totally agree with you Fishy...

Audiosoft - 2-6-2006 at 11:05 PM

OK...I will see if I can get it to keep the original album name when an artist/album search finds a cover.

Also, I want you guys to know about a problem with the editor I just discovered. The Editor is currently unable to remove ID3 tag embedded cover art from mp3 files. So if you have a song with an ID3 embedded image and then use the auto lookup in the editor to change the cover to a new ej lookup image...the old id3 embedded image will be restored when you rebuild since it is still in the tag. So I would recommend using Find Online/Drop Cover Art or Use image From instead of AutoLookup (so that the new image file gets embedded in the tag) to change the art for songs that have ID3 tag embedded cover art.

Pirk - 2-7-2006 at 10:51 AM

Thanks Audiosoft, that would be perfect if the auto lookup could keep the original album names.

Only when I try to use the auto lookup there is another problem :
As I name all my albums "Year - AlbumName", the auto lookup currently definitely fails. Could it be possible you see to it that the auto lookup ignore the "Year -" part in album names? Or else.. you could add an Option in eJukebox which can automatically add the Year of the song #1 of each album in front of all the album names, and so displays "Year - AlbumName" instead of only "AlbumName" in all the eJukebox pannels. But keeping all the eJukebox and ID3 album tags intact (AlbumName only in the album tag) of course!