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Feature Question
rllercstr7 - 8-18-2005 at 09:24 PM

I posted this once already, but something must have happened to it. Can somebody help me out?

I noticed a little bug in the current version of eJukebox. If a song is playing that was selected by popularity mode and a user selects to add a song to the up next column it plays immediately instead of putting it up next. Is that supposed to happen? If it is can you please make an option to turn this off Audiosoft? Thanks!

Dyno Don - 8-21-2005 at 10:17 PM

I agree. I think the idea was if you are playing a "suggestion" and you pick something, you must want the new tune now. But quite often we will notice it has run out of tunes and running on it's own, but, a great tune is playing. We have to wait until the song is over before we can pick anything.

No biggie, but noticed here.


rllercstr7 - 8-21-2005 at 11:00 PM

I couldn't have said it better myself Dyno Don. I often find myself in that situation.