Has anybody installed eJukebox in single machine with multiple users? I have two users: myself (administrator rights) and one other user (limited
I had to switch to administrator rights before I could complete installation of the second copy, because software writes some files in Windows
It works fine for myself but not quite for other, limited user: she can browse albums and listen tracks, but new covers are not saved and when one
track ends, eJukebox doesn't automatically advance to the next as it should. I guess no matter what rights user has, software tries to write
something in Windows directories which is not allowed.
Has anybody done this kind of installation successfully?
I have a same broblem.
hmm... not sure since I've not tried this myself. I know ejukebox writes coverimage data to the temporary internet folders. It might help to set
write privileges to that directory?
If this doesn't work, maybe a mail to audiosoft could help you out?