I have a few questions..:
1) How can i get the ejukebox to use mozilla firefox (during any part when it goes to the web browsing...)
2) I have my music setup like this: Each folder is a different cd and in the folder..there are the songs, cover.jpg. i dont use tags or tag art
work...i just want it to use the cover.jpg and not use the tags or use the art ffrom the tags where it gets that?! , how do i get it to do this??
(because the way i have setup, and the way ejukebox reads the mp3s is wrong, i need it to work my way, and ignore reading the info on the mp3s and
read the filename and cover.jpg thats it....)
3) how do i get shoutcast to be used in the kiosk mode??? its not there in the home tab why??
4) Will there be a feature for the option to burn a requested cd?? i see the option to ripp thats cool, but burn option would be great to.....
thank i hope you can help me!, i would love to buy this software.
In answer to question 2 if you want EJ to only use the album art from your file you right click on any track in the album and go into edit track.
Where the album art appears you select 'use iamge from..' and point EJ to the file you wish to appear as the album cover. You can use any image
stored on your computer if it is in relative size.
As for EJ reading the tag info, I dont see why it should read it wrong if the tags are set up correctly in the first place. I'm not sure if you can
make it ignore the attached tags - I think the whole purpose of the programme is that it creates a jukebox from these so I cant see it having any
option to ignore them.
If you could explain a little more why it reads the tags wrong, or how you would like it to read them to suit your system maybe we can help
FYI - I have my music collection set up as folders in Alphabetical order - titled A-Z(obviously) inside them I have a folder for each artist which in
turn contains their albums. IE folder J contains a file for artist Jimmy eats world which contains 2 of their albums.
In Answer to question 3 - as far as I am aware kiosk mode only blocks actions that enable people to alter anything in your settings and basic
functions remain the same as when the mode is activated. If you have it enabled when selecting kiosk mode it should remain enabled. There is just no
option to to toggle it.
As for question 1 - I am also waiting for a reply from audiosoft to find out how it detects your internet settings, maybe they can answer both our
questions....in time. Why would you prefer it to only use Mozilla? Are you planning on not using IE at all or is it a personal preference?
I am still quite new to this so please accept my apologise if the amswers are not what you are looking from - I am sure Fishy and Pirk can answer your
questions much better than I. If you are thinking of purchasing EJ let em assure you that it is the best Jukebox software I have used, for
functionality, practionality and looks. The guys at audiosoft seem to be constantly updating and adapting and seriously take into account any
requests people may have for future releases
about the firefox idea...well its more secure and if there is a way the the user can have the option to use either then thats cool to...but i would
prefer to have that security option and not use ie to risk any system!
about the tag id mp3 and the way it reads...sure i can re-edit the files..but i have a couple thousand...but also its reading the files and say 1 file
is an album which its not...i put the cover.jpg in the folders for a reason so it would read them..and some dont even show up! i have it setup like
so... the name of the folders are all in one drive and the folders are named:
"artist - album"
and in the folders are the tracks and the cover.jpg , i dont use the tag info i go buy file names and folders. so when the ejukebox reads it, it has
the the artist named t or o or something else that the tags id info says.... and its all screwed up i guess when the cds are ripped or songs are
d/led (legal) the tags are always right.... and i dont use the cd art look up b/c it doesnt work...but i dont need it b/c the art work "cover.jpg"
it should look at and not anything else...this is the only thing thats wrong with the software...i hope there is a way to do this or i hear the next
version is coming this weak hopefully it will have that feature and even more greater ones....if you still need help understanding please let me know
thanks for the reply...!
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