On winamp.com eJukebox has an average rating of 1 1/2 stars! Every custermer review gives it a 5 and the staff even gave it 4, yet its rated 1 1/2. They must have made a mistake and I just wanted to point it out to Audiosoft, because eJukebox is awsome and deserves an excellent rating!
Thanks for your concern. We noticed this a couple months ago...sadly the rating somehow got messed up (probally due to winamp.com database problems)
and we had to resubmit eJukebox as 'e-Jukebox Pro'...so there are now 2 listings on winamp.com.
The good thing about the new listing is it comes up if someone searches for just "jukebox"...plus it has updated screenshots and the rating
is correct: http://www.winamp.com/plugins/details.php?id=142133