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New Skin
slick - 6-25-2004 at 04:32 PM

Just thought I would share my "work in progress".

Does anyone know what the buttons at the top are called?

Audiosoft - 6-25-2004 at 05:03 PM

Looking good! :D

You can change the colors and style of the buttons at the top under
[MainButtons] in colors.ini

junk - 6-25-2004 at 07:52 PM

Nice. :) I know some black metallers that would love that skin.

Fishy - 6-26-2004 at 12:18 AM

Nice colors and fonts. Looks very.. slick :D
Have you skinned the nowplaying and playlist as well?

slick - 6-26-2004 at 07:22 AM

Thanks for the positive feedback.

Don't be fooled by the screen shot: it's not a death metal skin by any means! I could have shown you a page with Natalie Imbruglia!

Just had a look in colours.ini - will sort out.

I was impressed with the artic skin (cheers junk and fishy), especially by the fact that it looked so different to the standard one. I dislike the blue that comes with XP (I go silver) and the original skin is too much like that. I want to create a skin with just shades of grey and tones of red.

I have changed the artist list and now playing sections. I have a very messy skin with a couple of styles on it - which I will use to create 2 skins and post up. Then you can advise users to change maybe just the gele.jpg image to customise the player. I love all that stylesheet stuff, but it's not to everyone's taste.

Q: What are all these new updates for? I don't like downloading stuff to my machine without knowing why. Could be a clever Trojan or summat :)

Q: Excuse my ignorance: HTPC?

Audiosoft - 6-26-2004 at 07:33 AM

A list of changes in the latest eJukebox updates is located at: under "eJukebox Updates", so you can see what has changed since your current version. Because you are developing a skin you should upgade to the latest version, currently v3.86, as it contains some updates to the skinning engine.

HTPC stands for Home Theater PC...usually just a computer hooked up to a TV.

slick - 6-26-2004 at 08:26 AM

Thanks for coming back so soon.

Just checked the updates. Does the ability to guess tags come from my hassles with tags? (well, not just mine, obviously). 3.86? Is there a 4.0 due soon?

HTPC. My PC fan is too loud. I've replaced it but no joy. Does anyone know of any silent coolers?

Will crack on with skinning...

Fishy - 6-26-2004 at 04:29 PM

SILENT BREEZE 462 II is a silent cooler if you got a socket A AMD cpu, like I do. Runs on 19 db at the lowest, and gives decent cooling up to XP3000+... If you want total silence, a water cooling system could be the way to go. Gives some nice overclocking possibilities as well :)