1.) Copy an existing "Skin Name" Folder that is under "Crogram
FileseJukeboximages" and paste it under images. Then Rename the new folder to "'Your Skin Name".
After doing that your Skin Name will immediately appear on the eJukebox "Tools" Skin menu for selection. If you want to start with the default skin
copy all the files under "Crogram FileseJukeboximages" into a new "Skin
Name" folder under images instead.
2.) Modify any of the files in "Crogram FileseJukeboximagesYour Skin
Name" that you wish to change.
The main elements of a skin are:
a) colors.ini - Set Color and Style values for various Buttons, Text, and Borders in eJukebox
b) songlist.dis, playlist.dis, artistlist.dis, nowplaying.dis, albumlistscroll.dis - Open in Notepad to make changes to the CSS Style, Font and Colors
of List Elements
c) various image files that make up the main interface - modify in Photoshop or your favorite image editor.
3.) Click "Your Skin Name" on the eJukebox "Tools" Skin menu to see your skin. Changes made to .dis files can be viewed right away by reloading
that particular list in eJukebox. Other changes require you reactivate the skin on the "Tools" menu in order to see the changes.
4.) If you wish to include your albumlist colors and background image in your skin...go into the album list options and click the "Color Sets" or
"AlbumList Skin" button and Select "Save". Then add "Crogram
FileseJukeboximagessavedalbumlist.ini" and "C
FileseJukeboximagessavedalbumlistbac.xxx" to your Skin's images folder"
4.) After you get everything how you would like it: Create a ZIP file called "Your Skin Name".zip containing all the files in "Crogram FileseJukeboximagesYour Skin Name" including any font or image files
that you have added.
5.) Post it to the Skin Download section. If you update your skin or create another skin based on the same theme add a version number like "Your Skin
Name 2.zip"
6.) If you need help at any point create a new post under Skin Development!
To test your new or updated "Skin Name.zip" rename it to "Skin Name Test.zip" and place it under "Crogram FileseJukeboxSkins". Then Select it from the eJukebox "Tools" Skin menu. eJukebox detects if a skin.zip
has been modified and reinstalls it automatically when eJukebox starts up or when the "Tools" button has been clicked.
Attached is a small program to help skin developers pick colors and convert between the LONG and HEX color formats. Use this to select colors for
values in colors.ini and .dis files.