1.) If you only update one of the songlist.dis, songlist-large.dis, songlist-Xlarge.dis files makes sure to copy the contents of the file you modified
into the others.
2.) It has come to our attention that the "searchbox.jpg" file when applied does not completely cover the search box....as v3.8 clips part of the
image...leaving a couple pixels of blue on the bottom and right. We have fixed this in v3.83 so that it shows your entire "searchbox.jpg" image over
the searchbox.
in colors.ini does to get applied correctly in v3.80 (as a white border line always remains)...This has been fixed in v3.83.
The following was also added to colors.ini in v3.83:
[PlayTime ProgressBar]
v3.83 adds support for usage of filters in the nowplaying.dis file.
In addition, the following was added to the bottom of the nowplaying.dis file:
Replace "15" with the number of characters the text must contain (v3.999 Update: when the now playing panel is at the minimum width) in order for
scrolling to turn on. Change this number to a really high number such as "9999" or do not include it in the .dis to disable scrolling.
The following has been added to colors.ini for v3.85.
:-ProgressBar Color Definitions-
:-Songlist History Forward and Back Button Positions (Pixels x 15)-
If you want your skin to change the album list scrollbars from the windows default you may now add a file named albumlistscroll.dis with the following
contents to your skin:
body {
scrollbar-face-color: #87B8EA;
scrollbar-shadow-color: #87B8EA;
scrollbar-highlight-color: #FFFFFF;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #87B8EA;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #87B8EA;
scrollbar-track-color: #D6D6D6;
scrollbar-arrow-color: #FFFFFF;
You can now also add the above to the top of homeview.ini in v3.86 to change the scrollbar colors in the home view.
*Note: You must refresh the album list after changing skins in eJukebox to see skin changes on it.
In addition, v3.85 fixes some alignment issues where the interface background images did not line up correctly (leaving lines of color) pre v3.85.
v3.85 also fixes it so text and background colors specified in the nowplaying.dis and playlist.dis always get applied correctly.
v3.85, will automatically detected changes to SkinName.zip files in the Skins folder (i.e. new version of the same skin) and reload the skinname.zip
contents to its images folder. That way you can update your skin and when users replace the old SkinName.zip it will use the updated Skin in eJukebox.
Using albumlistscroll.dis you can set the font for the artist text and the album name text in the album list....here is the albumlistscroll.dis
file's contents:
body {
scrollbar-face-color: #9F0002;
scrollbar-shadow-color: #1B2932;
scrollbar-highlight-color: #FF0000;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #FF0000;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #330000;
scrollbar-track-color: #333333;
scrollbar-arrow-color: #FF0000;
.artisttext {font-weight: bold; font-size:20pt;
font-family: bitsumishi, Arial, sans-serif;
.albumtext {font-weight: bold; font-size:12pt;
font-family: bitsumishi, Arial, sans-serif;
v3.95 also adds the ability to change the On Click Animation Effect:
In colors.ini add:
Replace 0 with the long value for your color.
eJukebox v3.98 adds the ability to replace all the scrollbars in eJukebox with large up and down AutoScroll Buttons. You can add the following to your
skin's colors.ini to specify the colors for each button:
:-AutoScroll Buttons-
v3.98 adds the ability to set row alternating background colors for the artist list
.Artistrow { } and .Artistrow2 {} can now be used in artistlist.dis
You can now also set the size of the play now icon in the songlist by adding the following to songlist.dis.
.playicon{width: 20px;height: 20px;}
.albumimage {} can now be used in nowplaying.dis to allow for changes to album image filter
Quote: |
In nowplaying.dis you can use any of the filter: statements and have it distort the cover image in different ways or change alpha transparency.
For Example:
.albumimage {
filter: Wave(Add=0, Freq=5, LightStrength=20, Phase=20, Strength=20);
You can use any of the filters found here:
(only works in Internet Explorer)
Ah OK... your filter is very nice, but I think it is too much distorting for album images!
So in the .albumimage it seems it's only possible to specify a filter, not a background-color or background-image that would be only applied behind
the album image?
Because I've put a red background in body {} and the highlight effect when the mouse pass over the album image is red too!
I would like to get a highlight effect in white and only behind the album image (small or large..), while keeping my red background image. So that is
not possible?
RE: Ah OK... your filter is very nice, but I think it is too much distorting for album images!
Ha. I totally agree. The only .albumimage filter worth using (other than possibly Gray and XRay) is Alpha. The others distore the image too much.
I am looking into if I can make it change the mouse over effect.
I've just tried your .cdcaser2. It works good, but it produce the opposite effect that I would like: my white background disappears when the mouse
pass over the album image, so the album image is still highlighted in red..
Quote: |
You can try
div { background-color: #FF0000;}
instead and it will make the image fade to the color (or background image) when the mouse is over it. But it also makes a border show up around the
cover image when not highlighted. You could probally get creative and use a gif with tranparent pixels on the border...but it may be complicated since
you can not stretch the background image only tile or center it.
Quote: |
v4.0 alpha 4 adds the ability to skin the carousel background color. you can add the following to colors.ini to change the carousel background
:-Album Carousel Definitions-
Optionally add the following to colors.ini to exactly specify new a-z slider colors
To get rid of the albumrule line (in eJukebox v4.3 later) in the songlist you can add the following:
to the bottom of songlist.dis to hide the albumrule lines. Do NOT put this inside .albumrule { }. Only add it to the end of the songlist.dis files
right before /* END eJukebox Song List Display Definitions */
v4.3 Beta 2
Added support for including 'songlistbot.png' in skin to have the png image stretched over the unused area under songlist.
v4.3 Beta 3
Adds support for use of the following in colors.ini to hide now playing area left and right border lines.
eJukebox v4.3 beta 6 adds support for adding the following to the bottom of any of the songlist.dis files:
With this you can specify any image you want to use and the large and extra large songlists can use totally different images instead of the default
audio3off.gif, audio3on.gif, artistshowarrow.gif and artistshowhiarrow.gif.
eJukebox v4.5 adds support for skinning the Scroll Sliders.
-add artistslider.png to skin for the scroll slider image. optionally add songslider.png and albumslider.png to specify different sliders for the song
and album lists.
-add the following to colors.ini to change horizontal position of sliders
Replace the 0 the positive or negative number of pixels.
eJukebox v4.89 allows for an .artistheader { } in albumscroll.dis to independently skin artist name headers in the album list. This goes along with the ability to use td { } inside the albumscroll.dis to set a gif/jpg/png background for the area around the albums.
v4.90 Beta adds the LCD time display to the Song Change Popup. You can skin the LCD and the png that shows up behind it by copying the following files
to your skin's albumpop folder.
Crogram FileseJukeboximagesalbumpoptimeback.png
Crogram FileseJukeboximagesalbumpoplcd.ini
timeback.png - can contain alpha transparency and is displayed between the cover and the lcd
lcd.ini - lets you set long color values for the lcd display:
Can now add an AlbumListHeaderANI.gif to skin to overlap AlbumListHeader.jpg with an animated gif
eJukebox 5 beta 36 adds support for 'visoralbumlistbar.png'
for an alpha PNG over top of the albumlist bar.
Makes it possible to alpha overlay ontop of the AlbumListHeader.jpg + buttons and extend the shape of the bar and/or create a shadow effect over the
album list.
It will automatically stretch the PNG horizontally over the albumlist bar to match the edv or non edv width.
New in 4.99.52:
-new ability to skin the Volume Slider any size with alpha transparent PNG files....
-can add a "volumeslider.png" of any size to the skin to replace the old volume jpeg slider.
-optionally add any size "volumetrack.png" to the skin to show under the new "volumeslider.png". omit this file to show no track
-optionally add the following to colors.ini to set the number pixels (+ or -) the volumeslider.png is from the left side:
Ah you also give us your new pngs! Thanks.
with v4.99.54+
-can now use the following to colors.ini to change the video window alignment (+/-number pixels)
-added support for png stars in the songlist instead of gif. add star1.png star2.png star3.png and star4.png to replace .gifs
-added support for png pickcountbar in the songlist instead of gif. include pickcountbar.png to replace pickcountbar.gif
eJukebox v4.99.57
-new skin ability to create custom faded/gradient/shadowed looking text on each artist name in the artist list and each song title in the songlist
-can now optionally add any of the following to artistlist.dis to layer an alpha PNG image OVER each Artist name's text:
.Artistrow span {background: url(your.png) repeat-x;}
.Artistrow2 span {background: url(your.png) repeat-x;}
-can now optionally add any of the following to songlist.dis to layer an alpha PNG image OVER each Song Title's text:
.title span {background: url(your.png) repeat-x;}
.titlehi span {background: url(your.png) repeat-x;}
.titleedithi span {background: url(your.png) repeat-x;}
it is hard to see in this white skin screenshot but the new .dis pngs actually blend over the text (based on alpha channel in png). The png used in
this screenshot is very transparent. It should be possible for skins to display fading/gradient looking text with the right png.
Ah ah.. beautiful effect Audiosoft!
No doubt this new layer of PNGs will help us to produce even more surprising effects. Thanks.
Add text line shadows and/or overlay/fade/gradient style text effects on the songlist track titles by using a png image:
requires eJukebox v4.99.57 or newer
Song title overlay effect:
add the following to songlist.dis:
.title span { margin-top: -6px; background: url(overglow.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; }
.titlehi span { margin-left: -3px; margin-top: -6px; background: url(overglow2.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; }
.titleedithi span { margin-left: -3px;margin-top: -6px; background: url(overglow3.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; }
change the "margin-top:-6px;" to adjust the png related to the text. add "height: 100% to make the png display equal to the lines of text
Song title shadow/under text effect:
To show a png image BEHIND the text you can use "div" instead of "span".
.title div{ margin-top: -10px; background: url(overglow.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; position: absolute; }
.titlehi div{ margin-top: -10px; background: url(overglow2.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; position: absolute; }
.titleedithi div{ margin-top: -10px; background: url(overglow3.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; position: absolute; }
add "position: absolute;" to the .title div{} to make the png appear behind the text portion only and not extend to the full area width.
just remember that songlist.dis's .title and .artistshow DIV is behind the text and SPAN is on top of the text.
Interesting explanations Audiosoft..
In songlist.dis can I use .artistshow span {} or .artistshow div {} as well ?
Behind artist name text shadow in songlist.dis:
.artistshow div{ background: url(overglow.png) repeat-y;}
.artistshowhi div{ background: url(overglow.png) repeat-y;}
Behind album name text shadow in songlist.dis:
.albumwimage span{ background: url(overglow.png) repeat-y;}
.albumwimagehi span{ background: url(overglow.png) repeat-y;}
Well in fact I would like to add a artist icon in front of the artist name in songlist.dis. But it seems your latest tricks are reserved for the text area, behind or ontop, but not separate from the text. The only Big advantage in my case would be the additional PNG is not affected by the css filters. I'll test more..
Pirk I updated the .57 exe download and also cleaned up the code in this thread.
now can use songlist.dis .artistshow div{ for the text and span{ for overlaying artist name to. the span will work to show a png over more than just
the text portion if you adjust the margin-top to a negative number:
Layer png over songlist.dis artist name:
.artistshow span { margin-top: -6px; background: url(overglow.png); background-repeat:repeat-y; height: 100%; }
.artistshowhi span { margin-top: -6px; background: url(overglow2.png); background-repeat:repeat-y; height: 100%; }
.artistshow div{ margin-top: 16px; }
.artistshowhi div{ margin-top: 16px; }
Thanks a lot for the update and the css code.
I will try to make that my artist icon not be affected by the css filters in .artistshow and .artistshowhi.
-optional add .vidresults{} to songlist.dis to skin netvideo results container
-optional add to songlist.dis to skin netvideo blocks different than your .title and .title hi:
.vidstream{} .vidstreamhi{}
and optional for text area .vidstream span{} .vidstreamhi span{}
and optional for thumbnail image .vidstream img{} .vidstreamhi img{}
Audiosoft, when you work around.. There is no option to Enlarge my Internet Bandwidth? It's a bit too slow for videos.. As I know you can do
impossible things!
More seriously, if we could have the youtube Rating Stars displayed beside the video thumbnails, that would help us to choose the best video
Thanks anyway for these new skinning options.
lol Pirk glad you like it despite your slow connection! buffers pretty good if you wait.
also the tube results layout could be improved. will need to at least update it to show 2 columns instead of 3 for non-edv so titles shows. i don't
know if stars are really needed but i will look into it. i might be able to sort them highest rated first instead of by relevance.
Sometimes it works pretty good, no break with some videos, but which ones?
Quote: |
optionally can now add the following to colors.ini to set independent styles for albumlist bar pin:
-new ability to further skin eJukebox buttons in colors.ini with PNG images
-optional PNG images appear stretched OVER the original button with 50% opacity when the mouse is not over it.
when the mouse is over the button there is a new animation effect that fluctuates the PNG's opacity between 50% and 100%
-can now add the following under any of the style button {Headers} in colors.ini:
-note the PNG must be in your images skin folder. also the PNG should have some opacity near the middle otherwise it will cover the button text when
fully highlighted.
-greater flexibility when skinning eJukebox buttons. can now restyle eJukebox buttons with 2 PNGs and morph between the 2 for the highlight effect.
-under any of the style button {Headers} in colors.ini add PNG=yourimage.png
-when a yourimageHI.png is in skin folder yourimage.png will render 100% over the button and it will morph to the HI.png for the highlight animation.
when there is no yourimageHI.png in the skin folder the PNG=yourimage.png will appear at 50% opacity and fluctuate opacity for the highlight
Including a yourimageHI.png will ensure your yourimage.png can cover the edges of the original button and give you full control over the normal and
highlight. just make sure to leave some opacity near the center in the png file or it will cover the button caption. for some buttons you can add the
caption in the png if you wish but others like the a-z bar you will need at least some transparency near the center.
When using .title span{}'s in the songlist.dis to shadow the songlist title text....instead of using height: 100%; you should use the expression
below so that the title text stays aligned to the middle vertically and the png covers all lines of the text and nothing more.
.title span{
margin-top: -5px;
height: expression(this.parentNode.childNodes(1).offsetHeight+5);
background: transparent;
background-position: left top;
background-repeat: repeat;
background-image: url(songlisttitlespan.png);
use this in artistlist.dis to overlay a png and match the row height
.Artistrow span {
margin-top: -3px;
left: 5px;
background: transparent;
height: expression(this.parentNode.offsetHeight+3);
background-position: left top;
background-repeat: repeat;
background-image: url(artistrowspan.jpg);
this is just one example yours can look totally different. Notice the difference in the TEXT in this screenshot. first the .titlehi has no span in
this skin so that text is not shaded. shading is achieved on the texts of the other titles using the .title span{} above and a PNG (purple->clear)
that matches up with the height of 1 line text....which then repeats when there are multiple lines.
here is another screen this time with the .title span{} text shading showing over multiple lines of text
here it is with a different .title span{} png and a transparent .title{} background so you can see the area better...the only thing visible is the .title span{} png over the text.
Very interesting Audiosoft! I will try your new formula.. of course!
Thanks a lot.
well Audiosoft.. your formula just freezes my skin and ejukebox too!
that's OK.. no more freezing when I put the formula in span instead of div.
yes forgot to mention...be careful with expressions!
if you use an incorrect value ej will freeze up! if it happens again just end ejukebox.exe from taskmanager and correct the expression in the dis
before restating ej!
also doesn't height: 100% work for the div? if not you can let me know which div and i will figure out the correct expression for it.
-new ability to use png images for the 'now playing' stars
-optionally include a "nowstars" folder in your skin images folder with 0-10.png files like the images in the albumpop folder but any size
-add optional nowstarslayout.ini containing the following to set number of pixels from the top of eJukebox for the stars
Create "nowstars" folder first then extract zip to the eJukeboximagesskinnamenowstars folder
then you can freely resize the 0-10.png images in photoshop to any dimensions and it will automatically center horizontally
v4.99.92 - optionally add a "songlistshadow.png" to your skin
optionally add these to your skin to replace the default keyboard
keyboardbg.jpg <-background
keyboard.png <-foreground
in colors.ini:
also can include keyboardbuttonHI.png for button over
BTW "Reload Colors" skin menu item reloads the keyboard
-fixed a-z buttons alignment so there is never a space between the buttons
Recommended use Style=8 with PNG=your.png and PNG=yourHI.png in colors.ini
-fixed "songlistshadow.png" so it hides when right side hidden
-can now hide left border in colors.ini under [Left] add Hide=1
-in [MainButtons] section can now add the following in colors.ini to alter the button height and top position in pixels
can now add Top= to set middle sizer border pixels from top
-can now add the following to colors.ini to change the right edge to a color other than black
eJukebox v4.99.982
-can now give the Artist List a different text color on highlight and have it alternate the text and background highlight colors for odd and even
Use notepad to add the following to the bottom of artistlist.dis:
*Color (only Color= was supported before 4.99.982) and Color2 are the row background color for odd and even rows
TextColorHi and TextColor2Hi are the odd/even row text color when highlighted
TextColor and TextColor2 are the off text color and should = the color:# in the .Artist { or .Artistrow and .Artistrow2
to make only the text change color and not the background you can set the following
-new optional [LargePlayControls] Top=X or -X pixels in colors.ini
-skin now will use a lsnglistbrd.jpg if exists over a lsnglistbrd.gif
-skin now will use a rsnglistbrd.jpg if exists over a rsnglistbrd.gif
New Now Playing Control Area Background JPG and Seek PNGs
-new optional add a timeslider.png for a large time seek handle - increase the image height to position the slider how you want.
-new optional add a timeemptybg.jpg for underneath the play controls
-new optional add a timeelapsedbg.png for underneath the play control buttons and have it stretched below timeelapsed.jpg
Quote: |
-new skin optional webshadow.png for top of the browser. png stretches to width when in full width browser mode
-as with the playlist can now use playmodeupnextbacX.jpg and queuebaclongX.jpg in nowplaying.dis and the non X image will now be stretched as X.jpg to
match now playing/playlist width
-can now add optional .titletextfilter {} to songlist.dis to use a filter on the songlist track titles
-can now add optional searchbutton.png and optional searchbuttonhi.png to get rid of small search box shape - this replaces need for searchbox.jpg
matched to the box size - png shows actual size and sticks over the bottom right corner of the Top.jpg or TopEDV.jpg
below is a example searchbutton.png but note that it could be any dimensions. this one fits in EDV nice but not so nice in non-edv. if you make it
smaller make sure to leave canvas on the right and bottom as it is aligned with the bottom right of the TopEDV.jpg
Perfect! Thanks much Audiosoft.
-added LevelPrevNext=1 option to colors.ini to make all of the play control images align with the Top
Add the following #bg{} to the top of your songlist.dis to control the fade on the stretch background cover image which is above the tiled background.
you can set a background-image in the body {} if you wish to override the tiled background.
Starting with EJukebox v5.34 you can add this to colors.ini
This setting allows the skin to render in IE9 standards mode now and works to set IE 10 11 12 etc standards modes for when they come out.
The value must be 9 or greater and IE9 or greater must be installed or it will use quirks mode.
if you specify Version=10 and only 9 is installed then it will use the standards mode of the version installed...IE9. if the setting is Version=9 when
10 is installed...9 standards will be used.
-in colors.ini can now add font styling to [Songlist Title] , [MainButtons] , [ArtistBarLetters] , and [AZSlider]
-in colors.ini under [MainButtons] can now add DoubleWidthEDV=1 and FontSizeEDV=
FontName=MS Sans Serif
[Songlist Title]
Here they are with all the current colors.ini options:
[Songlist Title]
FontName=MS Sans Serif
FontName=MS Sans Serif
-added optional
[Songlist Title]
see the post above this one for the full [Songlist Title] options
Thanks for [Songlist Title] Top and Height! Top works good, Height too, but that would be great if the text could be displayed Over the carousel visor, and over the songlist headers when the carousel is not used. If possible..
not possible unless we red0 the songlist title with the now playing album popup style text
and here i thought you wanted to move the text up and the main buttons down
well i think large fonts can improve the eJukebox feeling. so i like much when "it exceeds" a bit!
-could you allow the positioning of the search box in colors.ini? over the shelf3d visor if possible..
-could you make so that it scrolls the songlist title when too long.. plus a way to set its max width?
-it seems the songlist title Shadow value Can't be changed in colors.ini. shadow=8 has no effect.
-if not possible for the songlist title, then maybe can you display the main Buttons over the shelf3d visor? Thanks.
well here is where i am currently: a pixel is a pixel.. no wasted place!
Let me digest the rest of your requests and i will get back to you.
Audiosoft, i wish you'll have a good digestion! ok for the shadow color, i was "dreaming" the value is for the size.. sorry.
v5.51 new songlist ToolTips rounded corner image files are automatically added to the skin on load if they are not in the skin yet.
new optional tooltip styling in songlist.dis:
#tt { }
#ttcont { }
#tttop { }
#ttbot { }
v5.54 - the now playing PNG stars now only detect a rating click over the top bar area (top 37 pixels). this prevents clicking the star's png shadow
from changing the rating when you are really trying to click the now playing artist text.
if you have stars that go under the top 37 pixels and you want the non-transparent png pixels under to still to set the rating when clicked
...you can add this in nowstarslayout.ini
new option for png stretched to 'now playing' width and height
NowPlayingAboveBG.png - is under the text/cover image and above the Vista/Win7 VU Meter
in this screen there is a NowPlayingAboveBG.png
NowPlayingAboveBG.png supported in EJukebox v5.58
You can add this to the top of colors.ini...
:The following top section allows for the customization of EJukebox Background Videos and PNGs over the video and .dis body {} backgrounds
:Note: All videos must be in .MP4 H.264 format. Only the following are supported on Windows XP.
To Support the other area backgrounds you must have Internet Explorer 9 or newer installed on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or newer
:and you must uncomment the next 2 lines regarding [IEStandardsMode] Version=9. also #BGVideo{ opacity: 0.4; } are now supported in all list .dis
files and homeview.ini to set the background video opacity over the background
v5.62 adds better control over the right column in the playlist...
this example IE9 code for the end of playlist.dis makes track lengths appear on top of the album icons
#coverbig {
border-radius:25% 25% 25% 25%;
#coversmall {
border-radius:25% 25% 25% 25%;
#tracklength {
background: transparent;
font-family:Tekton Pro Ext;
z-index: -1;
Ah, numbers over covers may be an interesting combo (since I prefer numbers given a choice
Good thought
with EJukebox v5.64 you can add this to your songlist.dis files
it does a double strike of the text under the .title,hi,edithi
and does not require IE9 so it works on XP and Win7
.titletextshadow { color: #000000; padding-left: 1px; padding-top: 1px; }
for IE9 skins i recommend a semitransparent color for the shadow text and can use filters to make it look like a blurred text-shadow instead of just a
double strike of the text
.titletextshadow { color: hsla(60,100%,0%,0.6); padding-left: 1px; padding-top:1px;
filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=2) progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.MotionBlur(strength=2, direction=310)
this code gets the first letter working with it
.titletextfilter:first-letter{color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 130%;} //make sure not to make the font-size too big or the shadow will look offset.
//do not include this because IE9 freezes .titletextshadow:first-letter{}
.titletextfilter { } // use for styles always in the top text
.titletextshadow { } // use for styles always in the shadow text. do not set font/size in these - there are already font styles in .title, .titlehi,
if you put this in colors.ini it will prevent all the default hand pointers on the lists
that way any cursors set in the .dis files like this will work...
cursor: url(CursorFile.cur), pointer;
and you can add this to the END of the nowplaying.dis file to set filters for the now playing cover
-New PNG mouse pointer on all skins by default
-Can now include a custom pointer.png and pointerdown.png in your C:EJukeboximagesskinname folder
You can use this code in colors.ini but make sure to remove the // comments
File=cursor.cur or .ani // including a pointer.png in the skin folder overrides this file
OverIE=True // False lets .dis cursor: work.
OffSetX=0 //Sets the pointer.PNG position relative to the desired HOTSPOT
//if there is a pointer.png and pointerdown.png in the skin and you want EJ to respect OverIE=False then you must include a File=file.cur even when it
will not be shown.
EJukebox v5.66 works good with this in colors.ini...
can have up to 4 pngs....
Only pointer.png is required.
for the hot spots can use this in colors.ini....
The following has been added to colors.ini for v3.85.
:-ProgressBar Color Definitions-
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