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SVG Gradient background-image with IE9
Audiosoft - 6-8-2011 at 02:53 AM

Open the following link with IE9 and you can generate SVG gradients usable in EJukebox skins:

Pirk - 6-8-2011 at 12:09 PM

well ok it works, but the generated code is totally indigest! and no transparency?

Audiosoft - 6-8-2011 at 12:38 PM

no transparency in that demo it is a shame.
that is an inline file...the svg is encoded in the .css

i assume you can also use background-image: url(file.svg);

well it has been fun...i am off to labor in the fields so i can pay some bills. 91F degrees today!

Pirk - 6-8-2011 at 01:02 PM

Message original : Audiosoft
that is an inline file
ah ok.. i understand more.

i am off to labor in the fields so i can pay some bills. 91F degrees today!

really you work in the fields! which kind of field?

91F=33C: more bearable with a hat! ;)

Audiosoft - 6-9-2011 at 07:40 AM

the fields of grass!
actually helping turn on/fix lawn sprinkler systems around town...not a bad gig on a hot day like yesterday. it hit 96 degrees!

Pirk - 6-9-2011 at 12:09 PM

ah okay, good. it could have been in tobacco fields, for example..
no job in computing then? states now need hackers, it seems!

Audiosoft - 6-9-2011 at 11:29 PM

Tobacco fields are further south...
Here in Ohio, once you get outside of the city and suburbs, there are tons of corn fields along the highway. Most farms (except the Amish) use heavy machines these days to do all the hard work.

yes for sure...many USA companies need to tighten up security. China has all the hackers it seems. Or maybe the hackers are just routing connection through hijacked machines in China.

I have tried these last few months but there are not many real computer jobs around...just allot of phone call centers. the few programmer jobs all want C++ or ASP when i am more skilled in VB, Javascript and PHP. I could code the others with the help of google but they want people with college diplomas in C++ so none have given me a chance. really wish had money to advertise EJ. Apple gets so much free publicity it is very frustrating. oh well, it is nice to be outside more this summer...most of the rest of the year it is so cold and cloudy. :cool:

Pirk - 6-10-2011 at 01:56 PM

So the birthplace of EJukebox is in Ohio? Oh!