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Skinning 2web elements
CiXel - 8-7-2009 at 07:27 PM

The new 2web skinning is a great place to start. I can finally take a swing at a 'dark' version.

I tried playing a bit with the exposed CSS, but I can't seem to find all the hooks I'm looking for. For instance one thing I would to do is make this web interface for touchscreen friendly, but I didn't see a way to change the page elements ie. Largers stars, Play/Pause, Next buttons

My Next goal would be to move all the now playing info over to the left and bring up artist search to the right of it. All sorts of ideas ;) (I think I use the web interface more than the real thing)

I'm really happy that this is finally an option, but is there any reason why we couldn't expose the rest of the html page in a similar manner?

CiXel - 8-7-2009 at 07:31 PM

One other thought-
If you wanted, you could expose what sits between 'now playing on eJukebox and your copyright notification. That way no matter what customizations were made, you'd still get your advertising in as well as your copyright notice in tact.