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Songlist skinning questions..
Pirk - 6-11-2009 at 10:03 PM

Audiosoft, I have some small problems with the songlist: (eJ v4.99.896)

1. I can't enlarge the .titlehi div background image using "margin-right: -84px;" my background is always cut on the right side while it works good in .titleedithi div! (cf. screenshot). Why my image is always cut in .titlehi div while there is no sizing limitation in .titleedithi div?
2. Is it possible to center my text Vertically in .title without using padding top and bottom? (cf. screenshot) How?
3. Could you remove the "auto page up" feature (the slider go full down), at least when net related is off? Because when I right click on a song it moves up so I can't select the right song.. it's a bit annoying.
4. It seems you removed the mouse-over autoscroll in the ejukebox panels. Why? that was handy!


Audiosoft - 6-12-2009 at 02:31 AM

3. will fix right click centering problem been meaning to do that
4. uncheck 'Disable AutoScrolling" near bottom of Display options - that one? maybe should make that on by default again.

Will try to test 1 and 2 and will get back to you

Pirk - 6-12-2009 at 10:21 AM

2. I mean vertical centering in .title, but also in its variants .titlehi .titleedithi and div potentially..
3. great if you can fix this centering problem.
4. sorry for this question.. that's OK!