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Songlist columns width variation in my skin...
Pirk - 3-10-2006 at 02:46 PM

I'm putting the finishing touches to my skin (based on SilverTunes.. maybe the name will be "SilverTunes Deluxe Edition"! :D)
But I would like to completely lock the columns width in the songlist, the .artistshow and .title in particular. Because the width vary between .title and .titlehi (I've put a bigger font, and a different text padding too, in .titlehi). As a result the artist and the title width are modified when I pass the mouse on titles... That looks bad.

Audiosoft, Is it possible to specify the width for each songlist columns individually?

I've tried "width: 134px;" in .artistshow and .artistshowhi. Also "width: 216px;" in .title and .titlehi. But in fact that not locks the columns!


Audiosoft - 3-10-2006 at 11:37 PM


Great! Can't wait to checkout SilverTunes Deluxe! I have been working on the songlist.dis and albumlist header in the default skin this week to try and make it look more streamlined. Good to know you are working on a new skin because it has been awhile since one was posted.

RE: (I've put a bigger font, and a different text padding too, in .titlehi)

Unfortunatley, the column width's change depending on if there is enought room and depending on if you are viewing in EDV and if the artistlist is open so it is not advisable to try to permanetly set them in the .dis files. You can set the minimum element height (i.e. height: 30px;) but the widths are tricky. You will have to make sure the highlighted version of the element does not take up any more space...which means you will have to use the same font and size or make the padding compensate for the difference.

The easiest way to create a titlehi and not have any problems is to take the .title and copy it to .titlehi and then just change the font color or background.

Pirk - 3-11-2006 at 11:27 PM

Ok.. Thanks for the advice Audiosoft. I try to make something original, this is why I proceed unconventionally...

I'm longing to see your new songlist and albumlist headers! I think this is the more difficult part to modify, at least for me... Until now I've "only" worked on the player, the artistlist and the songlist. All that is embedded in the original SilverTunes skin, from which the name!

Pirk - 3-12-2006 at 12:27 AM

I think I will post it soon.. :)

Audiosoft - 3-15-2006 at 10:57 AM

Pirk, you skin looks really cool!
Really nice work on the artist names in the songlist and the play control images.

Also, I really like that font you are using for the songlist track numbers.
What font is that? I might want to use it for the default skin. :D

Pirk - 3-15-2006 at 04:56 PM

Yeah, I'm enough satisfied with my artist arrows. :D
I don't know if my play control images will be liked, or not? It's a bit special.. I've tried to reproduce a real jukebox!!
Plus there will be another little surprise in my skin release. :o But I'm still fixing things...

The font I used for track numbers is "LCD-BOLD". I also think this font looks fine for that. Great if you choose to use it in the default skin. :)

Thank you for your compliments Audiosoft.