Requires EJukebox with Internet Explorer 9 installed
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Save zip file to C:EJukeboxSkins
Load in EJukebox from Tools->Skin->A5 VinylMatrix
NOTE: This skin is now included in EJukebox v5.68 installers
Wow! very nice! i like much the playlist background. Special Mention for the shef3d background anim!
ah yes the playlist background - that is a cool trick...
PlayList= in colors.ini [PNGBackgrounds] is a PNG with the center faded out
then the [VideoBackgrounds] is the MP4 effect under it that bleeds into the PNG background
just did that yesterday. most of the rest of this skin was in my first IE9 skin that i forgot about
so many effects are possible with different [PNGBackgrounds] and the same mp4!
"ah yes the playlist background": well you are right Audiosoft, the Girl in now playing is not bad either!