combines youtube, google image and amazon searches, reddit top 50 videos, and can
display facebook friend photos...♥ all inside in our familiar shelf!
check out
and search for something...anything maybe a music artist
and let me know what you think!
it autoplays the videos in the shelf
and to play a youtube video:
other update: the Audiosoft Forums are now encoded in utf-8!
English is still the preferred language but all characters now show...
♫ ♪♪♫♪ ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪♪♫♪ ♪♫♪♪♫♪♪♫ ♪♪♫♪♪ ♫♪ ♪♫♪ ♪♫♪♪ ♫♪ ♪♫♪ ♪
Their site looks good. Has anyone tried them yet?