What do you think about calling the next major version of eJukebox 5.0 and skipping 4.0 like Winamp did?
See attached poll and submit your vote.
Is that would like to say that we will have to wait at least 1 more year before the major update (large play controls, enhanced playlist, new
homepage...) ?
Maybe should I call my skin "Version 4.0"? As it looks like a major update!
If we take the first choice, how will you call the eJukebox updates after the last 3.xxx version? 3.9991, 3.9992...?
PS: I think it would be time to consult Monsieur Jacques Chirac, the French president!!
There can be only 1 more update (v3.999) before the major version # change. I expect to have new larger play controls implemented in about a month for it. The question is should it be called 4.0 or 5.0 in honor of winamp and the fact that there have been a year and a 1/2 worth of significant improvements since eJukebox v3.95. Regardless of how you vote; updates will follow which add more features and interface improvements. If you think calling it 5.0 will be too confusing then vote for 4.0.
Unless there were to be a complete platform change, my opinion is that it makes more sense to migrate to 4.xxx. It's easier to keep track that way.
If I were to want to reference a period in time when EJukebox were a certain way, I could step back intuitively. My mind isn't robust enough to
actually REMEMBER things. I can however, perform math problems by increments of 1 or .001.
Either way, you should do what tickles your fancy.
If you think 5.0 is more opportune.. why not? There is no problem for me. You are the head!
Quick question to everyone. What version are you currently using?