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EJ crash after using font resize function in Windows 7 (v 5.46)
d003232 - 11-18-2010 at 11:49 PM

I'm using EJ at a Samsung TV with 1920x1080 resolution via HDMI.

After activation the font resizing within Windows 7 EJ crashes. I resize my fonts (and icons, taskbar, popups, ...) to 200% because I couldn't read the normal font with such an high resolustion on the TV. On the other side I want the high resolution because I also play movies from that PC.

The crash from EJ happens at the start, showing the plash screen with doing the step 'Resizing Layout'.

After I delete the ejukebox.ini file everything works fine again.

One minor problem is left: the EP options popup is a little to big and not moveable. So I can't see the lower end of the options window.

Audiosoft - 11-19-2010 at 06:36 AM

the options panel needs 600 pixel screen height
maybe try 175% instead of 200%

d003232 - 11-19-2010 at 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Audiosoft
maybe try 175% instead of 200%

That works ... even it is not 100% satisfying. I would like to use a great resizing in windows 7 because I want to have that big icons and that big task bar on such a wide TV screen.

It would be great if EJ would be even more undependent from the screen resolution. That could be for the option popup: display it in the 'songlist area' instead as a 'popup'. Then it could be full resized and scrolled.

gavind - 1-13-2013 at 02:25 PM

One cause that I can think of is the Video RAM or main memory used on your PC. Perhaps resizing it to that size, the specs are not able to hold it.